Here at Instant Glam Dolls we keep a running page of Testimonials so you can stay informed on how our customers are liking our latest dolls and accessories. That page should give you all the incentive you need to get your own styling head doll but sometimes it helps to have more visual aids before you make a decision. We were so excited to partner with the Bolt Family to bring you a video review of one of our most popular styling head dolls, the Instant Glam Birthday Doll.
Our returning customers know all about the Instant Glam Birthday Doll but for those of you who don’t:
The Instant Glam Birthday Doll is an innovative styling head doll for innovative kids! Allow your child to express their inner designer with the Instant Glam Birthday Doll. Let your son or daughter use their imagination to create amazing hair designs
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. They can change and style her hair with different colors and textures for a different look every time! It’s so easy for you to change all her hair or sections of her hair in seconds. You simply grab a section of interchangeable hair, lift it from the doll’s head to reveal the scalp, and replace it with a different hair strip by pressing the hair onto the doll’s scalp. Like all of our other Instant Glam Dolls, The Birthday Doll has a patent fastening head surface system that allows the hair to be attached or released from the doll’s head instantly AND she comes with a full head of interchangeable hair strips. Your child will never get bored with the Instant Glam Birthday Doll!
Check out the video below and see just how much The Bolt Life girls enjoyed playing with their Instant Glam Birthday Doll!
Click here to get your own Instant Glam Doll! They make the perfect, creative birthday gifts for your child.
While you’re shopping don’t forget to pick up some extra interchangeable hair strips for your styling head doll
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